Saturday, January 23, 2010

Pregnancy Update

Hi y'all,

Definitely feeling pregnant these past couple of days :(. Hope it doesn't get as bad as my first pregnancy. I haven't been in the mood too work on anything these past couple of days because I have been really tired and have been very nauseous. Hopefully I can get back too work soon, I miss it already. I have my first sono on Monday can't wait, it's going to be weird this time because my husband went to everyone of my doctors visits last time and he won't be able to go this time. My doctors office doesn't allow children over the age of 1 in the waiting rooms, we have no one to watch the baby so I will be solo at all my visits. Maybe he can go to the important ones!

Go Vikings, they play tomorrow against the Saints. Its going to be a good game, winner goes to the SHIP. I'll be watching talk to you guys soon


  1. Congrats on the pregnancy. The ob-gyn place I was going to said the same thing about me taking small children into the office with my second pregnancy, but when I had asked them they just said that sometimes you can't find a sitter so the only way is to take them with you. I think they just mention it because often times kids get sick and they don't want to get pregnant ladies sick. I asked because I was face with the same problem. No baby sitters available or one that I trust anyway. Anyway sorry about all this rambling. I hope you'll feel better soon. I was nauseous pretty much up til birth with both pregnancies. I hope you don't have to suffer the same. Take care of yourself.

  2. Hope you feel better, and congratulations!!
